7 reasons why you should start riding a motorcycle

A motorcycle is not just something that takes you from one place to another, it is truly an experience every time you ride it. Unlike everything I can think of, the motorcycle changes you. You are not just a boy or a girl with a motorcycle – you are a motorcyclist. You feel cooler, because YOU ARE cooler. The motorcycle is not something you own, it is something you do. You ride. Riding a motorcycle can turn commuting into an adventure. Here are my 7 reasons to start riding a motorcycle.

1. Riding will help you find your zen

While riding a motorcycle on the highway can be fun, it requires an incredible amount of focus and focus. After all, you don’t have protection for the car’s frame, the convenience of cup holders, and the luxury of daydreaming while driving. Constantly monitoring your situation (speed, road ahead, and body posture, to name a few) serves as a meditation that is sure to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. I never thought about that episode of Game of Thrones while traveling. On a motorcycle, you will find inner peace and become one with your bike.

2. Riding a motorcycle makes your daily commute easier

Many people shudder at the thought of commuting on a motorcycle every day. But if you think about it, commuting to work makes sense. You’ll save a lot on gas, as well as travel time. You’ll get to work sooner and with less frustration from being stuck in traffic.

3. You will make Mother Earth very happy

Motorcycles considered a greener transportation option. Every modern bicycle will have to meet very strict environmental standards. In addition, it consumes much less fuel than a car, which is beneficial for you and the environment.

4. You are helping to alleviate traffic congestion

By riding a motorcycle, you put less stress on the flow of traffic. Although lane splitting is only legal in some states, there is evidence that the practice of splitting lanes alleviates traffic congestion. Feel free to yell “You’re welcome.” By overtaking cars, they have one less car to stay behind.

5. Driving improves your health

Riding a motorcycle benefits your health and is incredibly good for your brain. As I mentioned before, the zen state mixed with the endorphins that come from riding a motorcycle, or just being outside does wonders for your mental health. Improved mental health leads to improved physical health, if not simply because it gives you the right attitude.

6. You will meet a lot of new people

Your bike will serve as a conversation starter wherever you go; You will often find yourself meeting new people, who will go out of their way to talk to you, to share stories. If you ride a bike, you will meet people with whom you would never have had the opportunity to interact otherwise: people who do not belong to your socio-economic, religious or racial backgrounds.

7. You look great riding a motorcycle

Unless you’re driving an exotic car, being a driver isn’t as cool as being a pilot. Usually I like to hide this fact. One way or another, motorcycling will make you look cooler than everyone else on the road. And deep down, everyone else will know. It might not be cool to reveal such a thing, but admit it, every time you see someone pass you by on a motorcycle, you think to yourself “this person is so cool, I wonder where he is going.”

If you were trying to convince someone to start riding a motorcycle, what would you say to them?

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