Smoking cessation methods

Methods to quit smoking are plentiful, so it’s wise to do your research and find the best possible way to kick the nicotine habit. People often find that a combination of some of the methods works for them.

There is nothing positive in smoking. It poses several health risks to the smoker and those around him. These risks include; heart disease, COPD and other lung diseases, and even cancer. So why do people smoke? The answer is that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known, making it very difficult to quit smoking.

Quit smoking programs are not easy, but nicotine addiction can be broken. It may take more than one try, so if you’ve already tried to quit, don’t be discouraged, most ex-smokers had to try 5 or 6 times before they were successful.

There are four main categories of smoking cessation methods to choose from. Tea

The first category includes Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT). These are nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, sprays, etc. They all work by delivering a pre-measured dose of nicotine to the user. In the case of patches, the dose is gradually reduced so that the person can become less dependent on nicotine and make it easier to quit.

One advantage of NRTs is that because the nicotine is still in a person’s system, they can deal with the usual part of smoking (such as what to do with their hands and not lighting a cigarette at certain times of the day) without also having to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the cons would include: quitting smoking is a very long process, it often takes months to quit, you still have to go through nicotine withdrawal, and NRTs are expensive.

You are also prolonging the maintenance of nicotine in your system with all the risks that comes with it.

The second method would be to try drug therapy, which would mean taking Chantix or Zyban. While I know some people have had success using any of these medications, I don’t feel I can recommend any of them due to the potential for very serious side effects. The FDA has mandated that pharmaceutical companies place a black box warning on these products and has banned their use by people in various industries.

Finally, the last category would be alternative therapies that include hypnosis, acupuncture, and low-level laser therapy. All of these therapies have the advantage of helping you quit smoking without the use of nicotine or drugs.

I am not familiar with hypnosis therapy. I know that there are several ways to use it, including self-hypnosis and therapists. Like anything else, success will depend on how good the CD or the therapist is, but both often require multiple sessions. Self-hypnosis would also take a lot of discipline to teach yourself, but I think it could be a very good adjunct to use alongside some of the other methods. The cost of these therapies, of course, varies, from very inexpensive to hundreds of dollars, depending on which one you choose.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and acupuncture work on the same principle. Approximately 50 acupressure points on the hand, face, wrist and ear are stimulated, believed to release endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for dealing with nicotine withdrawal, cravings, and appetite suppression.

These two therapies differ in that acupuncture uses needles that can bother some people, requires several sessions, and is often expensive. With LLLT, stimulation of acupuncture points is achieved using a low-level or “cold” laser beam. This means that there is no discomfort or pain, in fact, most people leave after a treatment feeling calm and totally relaxed. Finally, for most people, only one session is needed, and low-level laser therapy is often cheaper than many of the other smoking cessation methods.

The last method is “cold turkey”. As you probably know, this simply means throwing away the cigarettes and stopping. This is the most difficult way because the person is totally alone with nothing to help them with nicotine withdrawal. However, there are groups that the person can attend for support and advice. One of these groups is Nicotine Anonymous.

The bottom line is that not all methods work for everyone. Take the time to determine which path seems most feasible to you and will give you the best chance of success.

The most important thing is that if the time to quit is right for you, you try and if necessary keep trying.

Your efforts will pay off in a healthier and happier life for you and those around you. Good luck.

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