A simple technique to align your vibration and use the law of attraction more effectively

As a student of the law of attraction, one of the keys to manifesting what you want is to maintain “vibrational alignment” with your goals. But, if you’re like most people, it’s probably hard for you to achieve that corresponding vibration. What follows is a simple technique you can use to create greater alignment with your goals and allow them to manifest more quickly.

Let’s start with a question: When you set and review your goals, do you do it with a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm, or do you instead find that you can’t help but notice their absence?

If you’re feeling frustrated with your goals or finding that they just aren’t manifesting in the way you want even though you’ve set clear goals, it may be because you’ve been focusing on the absence of the goal rather than the feeling of having it.

Your vibration is determined by how you feel about the thoughts you think. If you find yourself feeling sad, empty, or frustrated when you focus on your goal, then that’s your sign that your attention has been misplaced. To correct, simply reframe your thoughts by asking how it feels knowing that you have already achieved your goal.

The trick with goals and goal setting is to harness the feeling of having achieved them. When you focus your attention on the feeling of having achieved your goal, you automatically bring yourself into vibrational alignment with your goal.

Here is a simple example.

Let’s say one of my goals is to have $5,000 in your bank account. Every morning you dutifully open your journal and write down your goal. Or maybe you recite the goal, reading from a goal card. If by doing that you discover that you feel misaligned in some way: sad, unhappy, incredulous, etc. — then that means that you are actually focused on the absence of money.

You are focused on the wrong thing. By the law of attraction, guess what you’re going to get? More absence of money, more money without being.

Then apply the question, “How do I feel knowing that I have $5,000 in my bank account?” When you do, you will be vibrationally aligned with having the money instead of not having it.

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