Andopause – Is it the pause that refreshes?

Almost everyone knows that middle-aged women are

afflicted by menopause caused by too fast,

Abrupt decrease in your hormonal production.

And though men may laugh at this, do

condescending and sexist attempts at humor, last laugh

it is in us men. Because?

Men are not immune to the ravages of decadence

hormone production Between the ages of 40 and 55, andropause,

sister affliction of menopause, comes calling men.

Male hormones go crazy, but much more slowly

than women and in different ways.

While men do not have a menstrual flow that stops or shows

up sporadically after hours at the most inconvenient times,

andropause brings severe, but slow, subtle, long-term

degenerative problems in men.

For men and women, many times these hormonal changes

declines are not properly diagnosed and treated


Rather, these symptoms are incorrectly laughed at with

inaccurate put-downs about getting old.

Hormonal decreases, especially testosterone, in men

can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease,

osteoporosis, diabetes, loss of muscle mass, fatigue,

weight gain (mostly fat), depression, sleepiness

disorders, decreased mental clarity, erectile

dysfunction and a loss of interest in sexuality in general.

And it doesn’t stop there. symptoms of decline

testosterone include increased urge to urinate, thin skin,

lack of concentration, memory lapses, physical strength and

enlarged prostate

What fun!!

Testosterone is what makes someone a man. Also

low testosterone, a man can become hormonally

deficient instead of a man.

Why do men put up with this problem, refuse to look at it?

down, and demand that doctors treat him aggressively,

instead of stopping treating patients, hormonal laugh

problems with comments like, “You’re getting old.”

What do you expect at your age?”

What is really the problem?

The good life in the USA: consumption of junk food,

sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise) and too many

doctors fear testing patients for hormonal declines

and restore people to a healthy hormonal balance, but

too willing to overprescribe Big Pharma products.

Some doctors mistakenly believe that giving

hormones to patients is too dangerous. with the proper

test and with a personalized hormonal prescription,

that is not true.

For example, some doctors are concerned that testosterone may

Causes or accelerates prostate cancer. This is not proven.

Even if it were true, since prostate cancer develops

slowly over years, why worry?

Al Sears, MD says that starting at age 40, men

testosterone levels decline by 10% per decade.

Correcting testosterone levels is important

thing a man should do. But there are several others

improvements that any man should make to optimize

your health.

For example, in most cases, aerobic exercise using

sporadic sprints, rather than exercising at the same time

speed all the time, can improve breathing ability


Americans are fixated on heart disease and

cancer, two of our biggest killers, but give little or nothing

it was thought to decrease our lung capacity.

Gentlemen, get up off the couch. do not complain about your

aches, pains and your collection of recipes

drugs. This is no time to let your hormones run dry.

and become a geezer.

Turn off the TV. Buy and eat organic food. exercise

vigorously at least five days a week. retire

out of his vocabulary. Put your mind and body to work.

Partner with a doctor who can help you get your

hormones in balance, as they were when you were

30 years

If you are between the ages of 40 and 80, thinking and feeling old now and

Soon the time will come to expire, take a look at what the Bible says.

In the Book of Genesis, God reduced the maximum lifespan to

to 120. So, by God’s longevity max, you have many more

years available. Don’t waste them by being unnecessarily sick, real or


And if you are under 40, it’s time you start taking care of your health,

if you’re not already doing it.

If you take positive action now, you can have a long life as a

robust human being, not someone depressed, discouraged and not

healthy at all.

Aboriginal people are long-lived and live to the fullest, even in their

80’s and 90’s. They run, climb trees, fight among themselves. Yew

they can do it, we can do it by living well.

Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says, “I’m not retired. I’m fired.

I am not going to relax, relax, shut up or give up until I am accepted.

The main reason I have no interest in retiring is because I don’t

Think of what I do as work.”

Zig is now 80 years old and still gives speeches across the country.

Clearly, you can see that andropause is not the pause that refreshes.

Originally, Coca-Cola claimed to be the “pause that refreshes.”

However, neither andropause nor Coca-Cola are refreshing.

They should be avoided if good health is desired for many years to


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