Ball Pythons Vs. Boas: The Great Snake Debate

If you’re thinking about getting a pet reptile, you should seriously consider getting a pet snake! Snakes are very underrated pets and they are not as bad as many make them out to be. In fact, they are quite easy to care for and handle, making them great reptile pets!

All a snake needs is the right enclosure, temperature, food, and a few necessities within their enclosure and they will make the best reptile pets ever. There are two types of common pet snakes that people often choose between: ball pythons and boas. Both are great reptile pets for someone looking to go beyond a dog or cat. But which one should you choose?

We are here to help you answer that!
Ball pythons and boas for sale are common pet snakes. But they differ in many aspects! Ball pythons are Old World snakes, which means they are not commonly found in the United States. Boas, on the other hand, are New World snakes, so their traditional homes are in South and North America. However, both ball pythons and boas are boids (a classification for these snakes, which also includes anacondas).

Ball pythons are egg layers, and mothers can squeeze more than two dozen eggs in a clutch. Ball pythons also have their own specific body morphs or patterns, as well as a pair of upper jaws that are considered “premaxillary” bear teeth.

Many find pythons to be majestic creatures, and certain species of these snakes have been known to grow very large (such as the Burmese). But your pet ball python won’t grow that big! Pet ball pythons are relatively small in size, rarely growing more than four to five feet in length. They are docile reptiles and will coil up when threatened (hence their name). These snakes can also live up to 30 years or more!

Why would you want to buy boas for sale
Boas are larger and more beautiful snakes in general. One big difference between boa constrictors and ball pythons is how they give birth, with the boa giving birth to live young.

They are very easy to care for and make amazing reptile pets for a first time owner. However, keep in mind that boas for sale are more susceptible to respiratory infections, so care must be taken to keep their enclosure and temperatures correct. They can also grow quite large and may require a larger casing, which could mean multiple casing upgrades as they continue to grow. Boas for sale are also docile reptiles, especially if you handle them regularly (which you should).

Expect your boa to live for quite a long time, even up to 30 years. Although they don’t have big appetites like ball pythons, adult boa constrictors will need large animals to eat, including multiple rats or even larger prey like rabbits.

Always buy reptile pets from reputable sellers
Rule number 1 when buying reptile pets online is to make sure you buy from a reputable seller. You’ll also want to make sure you have captive-bred reptile pets. Many snakes that pet stores sell or that you buy at shows are often wild-caught, which can pose a number of new problems with your pet reptiles. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before purchasing your new pet reptile so you can make an informed decision! In the end, know that each individual snake will be different and that each breed has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing the right pet snake. Additionally, long-term commitment is a must to ensure that both snakes can thrive. So don’t think of these pets as short-term investments, but as long-term family members.

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