Can dehydration cause yeast infections?

Dehydration is almost at an epidemic level. People who play sports and are concerned about exercise and fitness tend to pay more attention to getting enough water in their bodies. The rest of the population tends to drink much less water than athletes and regular athletes.

This causes health problems that even doctors never realize are related to dehydration. Many health problems can be fixed simply by getting the right amount of water into our bodies. Yeast infections are one of those problems that can be tackled by drinking more water.

The human body is made up of more than 70% water. Our bodies lose fluids throughout the day and those lost fluids need to be replaced in order for us to stay healthy. It takes care and effort to rehydrate your body. Everyone should drink water every day throughout the day. If you push yourself to drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day and do it all at once, your body isn’t getting the best benefit of that effort. Drinking water regularly throughout the day from the time you wake up in the morning until later at night will give your body the best benefit.

Sometimes the recommended amount of eight glasses of water a day may not be enough. As a general rule, if you weigh more than 140 pounds, you should drink an extra glass of water for every 20 pounds over 140 pounds. Also, make sure you have salt in your diet to ensure your body retains enough of the water you take in.

Yeast infections are definitely more common in people who are dehydrated. Good bacteria require hydration to live, thrive, and maintain the proper balance in our bodies. Yeast will always grow where it has a foothold. If our body chemistry gets out of balance, the ever-present yeast will overgrow, often causing an infection. Keeping all elements of body chemistry in proper balance is essential to maintaining good health, which includes avoiding yeast overgrowth that leads to infection.

If you’re one of the many people who don’t keep your body adequately hydrated, try starting by slowly adding a glass of water every few days. Within a couple of weeks you should easily be drinking the typical recommendation of eight glasses a day. Quite a few people often start to feel better in a short period of time.

You will notice an improvement in your vaginal health by drinking water and you will also start to enjoy other health benefits. Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for yourself, so make it a priority every day to reduce or eliminate the yeast infections you get each year.

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