Dyslexia – How to recognize dyslexia in children

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I’m not going to do more at school because the kids are making fun of me. I canoe cane please help me

your sun david

David is not a fool. In fact, according to the evaluations of some professionals, he is quite intelligent. However, he certainly has a problem and shares his problem with millions of other children and adults. David is dyslexic.

The term “dyslexia” was introduced in 1884 by the German ophthalmologist R. Berlin. He coined it from the Greek words “dys” meaning sick or difficult and “lexis” meaning word, and used it to describe a specific reading impairment in the absence of pathological conditions in the visual organs. In a later publication, in 1887, Berlin claimed that dyslexia, “assuming one is right-handed,” is caused by a left-sided brain lesion. He spoke of “word blindness” and detailed his observations of six brain-injured patients who were fully proficient in verbal communication but had lost the ability to read.

In the following century, the narrow definition that Berlin attached to the term dyslexia would be expanded. Today, the term dyslexia is often used to refer to a “normal” child (or adult) who seems much brighter than his reading and writing work suggests. Although the term is primarily used to describe a severe reading problem, there has been little agreement in the literature or in practice regarding the definition of severe or the specific distinguishing features that differentiate dyslexia from other reading problems. Rather than get involved in a dispute over a definition, one could simply use the “symptoms” below as an indication that a child has a reading problem and therefore needs help.


Directional confusion can take any number of forms, from not being sure which is left and right to not being able to read a map accurately, says Dr. Beve Hornsby in her book “Overcoming Dyslexia.” A child should know his left and right by the age of five, and be able to distinguish someone else’s by the age of seven. Directional confusion affects other concepts like up and down, up and down, compass directions, staying in place when playing a game, being able to copy the gym teacher’s moves when he’s in front of you, etc. Up to eight out of ten children with severe dyslexia have directional confusion. The percentage is lower for those with a mild condition, she says.

Directional confusion is caused by the reversal of letters, whole words, or numbers, or so-called mirror writing. The following symptoms indicate directional confusion:

* The dyslexic may reverse letters such as ‘b’ and ‘d’, or ‘p’ and ‘q’, either when reading or writing.

* You can reverse letters, reading or writing ‘n’ as ‘u’, or ‘m’ as ‘w’.

* Can read or write words like ‘no’ for ‘on’, or ‘rat’ for ‘tar’.

* Can read or write 17 by 71.

* You can write letters, numbers and words in mirror.


Many dyslexics have problems with sequencing, that is, perceiving something in sequence and also remembering the sequence. This will naturally affect their ability to read and spell correctly. After all, each word consists of letters in a specific sequence. To read one has to perceive the letters in sequence, and also remember which word is represented by the sequence of letters in question. By simply changing the sequence of the letters in ‘name’, it can become ‘means’ or ‘amen’.

The following are some of the dyslexia symptoms that indicate sequencing difficulties:

* When reading, the dyslexic may put the letters in the wrong order, reading ‘felt’ as ‘left’ or ‘act’ as ‘cat’.

* You can put the words in the wrong order, reading ‘are there’ for ‘there are’.

* You can skip letters, ie read or write ‘cat’ for ‘cart’, or ‘wet’ for ‘went’.

Dyslexics may also have trouble remembering the order of the alphabet, strings of numbers, eg phone numbers, months of the year, seasons, and events of the day. Young children can also find it difficult to remember the days of the week. Some are unable to orally repeat longer words without putting the syllables in the wrong order, for example words like ‘preliminary’ and ‘statistical’.


A common comment from parents of children with reading difficulties is, “He’s so sloppy, he understands the big and difficult words, but he keeps making silly mistakes with all the little ones.” Certainly the poor reader gets bogged down with difficult words, but many seem to make things worse by making mistakes on simple words they should be able to handle, like ‘if’, ‘at’, ‘and’.

It is important to note that this is extremely common and is not a sign that a child is particularly sloppy or lazy.


Research has revealed a dramatic link between abnormal spoken language development and learning disabilities like dyslexia. The following are just a few examples:

* A 1970 study by Dr. Renate Valtin of Germany, based on 100 pairs of dyslexic and normal children, found evidence of delayed speech development and a higher frequency of slurred speech among dyslexics than among normal children.

* According to Dr. Beve Hornsby, author of “Overcoming Dyslexia,” about 60 percent of dyslexics speak late.

* In her book “Learning Disabilities,” author Janet Lerner states that “language problems in one form or another are the underlying basis for many learning disabilities. Oral language disorders include poor phonological awareness, delayed speech , grammar or syntax disorders, deficiencies in vocabulary acquisition and little comprehension of oral language”.

In most cases, a baby should be able to understand simple words and commands from the age of nine months. From around a year she should be saying her first words. By two years she should have a vocabulary of up to 200 words and use simple two-word phrases like “drink milk.” By three years she should have a vocabulary of up to 900 words and use complete sentences without omitting words. She can still blend her consonants, but her speech must be understandable to strangers. At four years old, she should be able to speak fully, although she can still make grammatical errors.

If a child speaks immaturely, or is still making unexpected grammatical errors in their speech by the age of five, this should alert parents to possible reading problems later on. Parents should take immediate steps to improve the child’s language.


Some dyslexics suffer from poor handwriting skills. The word “dysgraphia” is often used to describe a difficulty in this area and is characterized by the following symptoms:

* Writing generally illegible.

* Letter inconsistencies.

* Mixed upper/lower case letters or printed/cursive letters.

* Irregular letter sizes and shapes.

* Unfinished lyrics.

* Struggles to use writing as a communication tool.


* Make up a story, based on the illustrations, that is not related to the text.

* Read very slowly and hesitantly.

* Lose orientation on a line or page while reading, lose lines or reread previously read lines.

* You try to pronounce the letters of the word, but then you can’t say the correct word. For example, he sounds the letters ‘cat’ but then says ‘cold’.

* Read with little comprehension.

* He remembers little of what he reads.

* Spell words as they sound, eg ‘rite’ for ‘right’.

* Ignore punctuation. You can omit periods or commas and see no need for capital letters.

* Poor copying from the board.

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