Head Lice Treatments – Poisons for Your Child

Lice Treatments: What Exactly Happens When You Put Synthetic Pesticides On A Child’s Head?

The first thing to keep in mind is that hair is the breeding ground for lice and hair comes from a child’s scalp. The scalp is an extension of the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. Yes, organ, such as kidneys, lungs, and heart. Skin may appear smooth, but it is actually very porous. The skin has openings called pores that open and close to regulate body temperature (for example, release sweat) and openings called hair follicles from which hair grows. Both are entrances to the body.

Hair follicles are considered to divert routes to the skin. That means the drugs and chemicals are quickly absorbed through the hair follicles on the scalp. Recently, hair follicles have been shown to be responsible for rapid delivery of topically applied substances. In one study, caffeine applied to the scalps of bald men showed caffeine in the bloodstream within five minutes.

But when it comes to head lice, most treatments are chemical preparations of pesticides that are known as neurotoxins. These shampoos and lotions are poisons intended to kill lice. Supposedly, the level of toxicity is enough to kill the lice but not affect the child. However, due to resistance to pesticides, many treatments are losing effectiveness. So to continue the level of success, the pesticides have become stronger and deadlier. And most require multiple applications as these products do not kill ‘nits’ or eggs.

Yes, toxic pesticides undergo rigorous studies to determine the maximum safe levels of exposure. But “safe” levels are set for 180-pound males. Not growing 45 pound kids with developing brains.

Therefore, to apply lice treatments to a child’s scalp is to knowingly put toxic synthetic chemicals that will be delivered into the child’s bloodstream within minutes. This is basically poisoning a child!

Hope for? How can this be?! Who is in charge here to allow such nonsense? The EPA has said it’s safe and the drug companies say it’s safe, so it is, right? Mistaken!

Children have been known to suffer from headaches, experience memory lapses, become restless and irritable, and suffer from “brain fog” for days after a treatment. Any wonder? They have put poison in their heads!

Lice treatment should ONLY be carried out with safe, natural products and procedures that do not poison our children.

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