Heal Addictions to Pornography and Sex

It is quite possible to cure an addiction to pornographic materials and sex. Many take the route working in Support Groups and with Psychologists. This is a great first step and if it cures your addictions then more power to you. However, I want to tell you about some spiritual help that is also available. There are many spiritual resources that will help when working with any type of addiction and there is also thought and emotional release that can be of great help as well. These spiritual resources are free and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In this article I am going to tell you about all these alternative routes.


The first thing I want to mention is about your thoughts. With issues related to sexuality, many of these issues initially stem from our thoughts and beliefs. Society perpetuates this by making us believe that these kinds of pornographic thoughts and behaviors are normal. Sex is normal when it is loving and consensual between two individuals. However, with anything that is pleasurable in the body, it can easily become distorted just like overeating. To quote Dr. Phil, he says that “pornography is not normal, it is the son or daughter of someone who has taken a very wrong turn in her life, and by witnessing this, you are perpetuating her pain.” Of course, many of us do not do this consciously, but it is still demeaning to these individuals, even if they themselves are not even aware of the exploitation. So we have to stop when we think this is normal and acceptable behavior. If you have this belief and you don’t know how to release it, it will be very difficult for you to overcome your addiction. So it is absolutely vital that you learn to let go.


Releasing thoughts and emotions about sex or anything else is just one technique that can be taught very simply with the Sedona Method. I highly recommend learning this technique and using it as a valuable adjunct to your current therapy. Personally, I was able to cure my problems using the Sedona Method alone, but for those who were instructed to get professional help, please do so and use the Sedona Method as I said before as a supplement to your healing. Of course, the Sedona Method will help you tremendously with this problem, but you will also see a huge improvement in every area of ​​your life, including your finances! You can get a free DVD to get you started on the invaluable road to launch.


Okay, so there is another valuable resource that I don’t want you to discard and that is God. We live in a spiritual world even if we don’t see it physically or don’t believe it. We are so focused on the physical aspect of our lives that we easily miss the subtle but powerful spiritual world that surrounds us. We have spirit guides and angels who want to help us, but since we all live under the Law of Free Will, we must first ask for help. One of the most powerful ways to heal is through Christ. Even desired pornographic desires or thoughts, take a brief moment and ask Christ to heal your mind of these thoughts and to heal your body of these emotions and then release them to Christ. He will heal you! Christ is non-denominational no matter what you have heard. He loves all of God’s children and is here to save all of God’s children, not just Christians. He wants to save everyone.

Christ knows that one way that darkness invades and infiltrates us is through lust. It seems so harmless to most of us, but it is definitely the device of evil that is used to take over and lead us astray. Darkness takes a beautiful act of lovemaking and turns it into something dirty and vile. So with that being said, begin to witness these thoughts, become aware of them and look at them from a detached perspective and ask Christ to heal you. There is no need to scold yourself for having these thoughts, many great people in this world have also had these thoughts, even spiritual people. What you resist persists, so if you fight these thoughts and behaviors with all your might, they will most likely stay with you. So let them be okay for now and then let them use the Sedona method and Christ too.


These thoughts and behaviors do not define who you are. You are a valuable child of God no matter what you have done and you deserve to know what true love feels like. These lustful thoughts and beliefs keep us separated from our sexual partner and prevent us from experiencing true intimacy and real love. Remember, when Christ lived here as the individual Jesus, he associated with prostitutes and criminals because he knew they needed him most and that their lives were as precious as his in the sight of God. So release any embarrassing thoughts or emotions to God and stay tuned and start to be aware when you are thinking those thoughts. The book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle teaches very clearly how to bring awareness to your thoughts and emotions, so reading this book can be a powerful tool.


Meditation is also a great way to become aware of your thoughts. Meditation trains your mind to learn to calm down and bring peace to your life. Start slowly with the meditation. 5 minutes at a time every day at first, then increase by five minute increments each week. Once you get 30 to 40 minutes a day, that’s an excellent amount of time to spend. Your mind will wander a bit at first, but let that be okay. That the human mind can be very barking, but just accept it and do your best. This also gives you a great opportunity to release your thoughts and beliefs to Christ and ask for healing when you need it. A great book that covers this is A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, she teaches the principles of A Course in Miracles and shows you how Christ is available to heal and that his main desire is to heal the world, one person at a time.

Remember that peace begins within. We cannot have world peace until all individuals have peace first. It is possible to experience true peace now, it is actually a beautiful energetic feeling “Truly it is the peace that passes all understanding. That is because our egos do not understand peace, peace and love are experienced through your soul. Since we are humans and beings “human beings” which means the merging of the spiritual and the physical together, we can experience things from a spiritual perspective or strictly from a physical perspective.So meditation is a great way to help us become more aware of our spiritual side.


The next spiritual resource I want to mention is Archangel Michael. He is the protective Angel. Doreen Virtue, who writes extensively about him, calls him the gorilla angel because she makes sure that all the spirits that are with you are the ones that are supposed to be there. So call him often so that he protects you and also ask him for an energetic cleaning. There are lower energies and spirits that love to feed on your lustful thoughts and will actually help you perpetuate your pornographic thoughts in this way. When you engage in pornographic acts or thoughts, these energies feed off of your energy. They literally turn into psychic vampires who need you to degrade for their fuel. Do not be afraid, although the light is always stronger than the dark forces and there is help. Available for you. If you ask Michael, he will humanely escort these entities into the light or back to where they came from. He will help you clear your energetic landscape. Ask Michael to vacuum your home, workplace, and vehicle. I recommend reading “Healing with the Angels” by Doreen Virtue, she is the angel expert and will guide you where you need to go. You can listen to her Angel shows for free from her on the Hay House Radio website.


The bottom line is that if you have tried other methods and failed, try spiritual healing and Liberation. [http://www.transcend-emotions.com] you will really enjoy it and you will benefit greatly from it. Miracles are normal and simple when you ask the Spirit for them. Asking and being aware is all that is expected of you in return and a strong desire to heal. Spiritual help is always available to you and you are always worthy of it. It is God’s pleasure to share his kingdom with you, but the question is how much goodness will you allow into your life?

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