How Essential Oils and Herbs Helped Thieves Boost Immunity and Survive Bubonic Plague

One of the most popular and interesting stories to come out of the Black Death plague centered around four thieves and their incredible blend of aromatics used.

These spice traders were no longer allowed to sail due to the outbreak of this plague, so they took to stealing the bodies of the dead and dying. They never got sick.

This was hard to believe since almost 30% of the population at that time, in Europe, died from this disease. It spread from the living and the dead, so anyone who cared for the sick or the bodies of the dead was susceptible to this disease.

Because these spice merchants came from a long line of apothecaries, they had a few tricks up their sleeves, so they were able to make a mixture of these herbs and oils to boost their immunity and stave off death. When this mixture was rubbed on their body, it protected them from contracting this deadly disease. They were later arrested and tortured for their secret recipe.

Essential oil expert Dr. Jean Valnet says: “In recent years, both doctors and the public have rediscovered the medical value of essential oils, but the idea of ​​using their properties to maintain or restore health goes back to antiquity… The Romans had their knowledge of essential oils from the Greeks, who in turn had received it from the Egyptians… The hypocrites, for example, faced the plague epidemic in Athens by fumigating the entire city with aromatic essences of vegetable oils. Later in the 19th century, it is known that perfumery workers always showed almost complete immunity during cholera outbreaks.”

There are many who would argue that the essential oils of today are not the same as those used then, but there is no argument against the immunostimulatory and antimicrobial properties of these aromatics rivaling and even outperforming many of today’s antiseptic and antibiotic medications.

So what went into this recipe and why would it work so well? Let’s briefly look at the ingredients that are included in many of the stories.

Clove is a powerful antibacterial and is known to help reduce pain, while providing anti-allergic properties to the body, making it ideal for balancing the autonomic nervous system and relieving hypersensitive nerve pain. *Do not apply to skin undiluted.

Lemon is known to dramatically impact the endocrine system and works as a cleansing, cleansing, detoxifying and renewing resource for the proper functioning of this vital system. It can also help boost the immune system by helping to regulate the production of white blood cells.

Mandarin orange has components that act as antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibacterial and can help cleanse the lymphatic system, lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Lime has many of the above properties that are associated with the other citrus oils.

Ravensara has components that target the endocrine system with a special emphasis on respiratory function as it is capable of fighting harmful bacteria and viruses, including those ailments that have been endured long-term.

Cinnamon Bark is highly antiviral, so it primarily stimulates the immune system while subduing inflamed tissues. In addition, it is also known for its mucolytic action (drying properties), which makes this oil ideal for combating mucus congestion throughout the body. It also acts as an antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic.

Eucalyptus directly affects the respiratory system. It can attack viruses that create mucus in the body and help open up the lungs.

Thyme is primarily known as a formidable foe against anthrax and other immune-busting invaders. In recent studies, this essential oil was found to be a key item in any first aid kit as a result of the immediate benefits it can have on the body in a time of crisis. It is expectorant and cough suppressant.

Oregano possesses key components that are powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, making it vitally useful against many common disorders caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, and microbial infections. Its trademark “heat” is indicative of its ability to fight damaged or compromised cells, destroy them, and then help eliminate them from the body. These powerful constituents are even capable of killing parasites.

When you combine the powerful properties of each of these plants in one blend, it is extremely effective in strengthening immunity and fighting infection.

There are many companies that have made a mixture of herbs or essential oils to try to copy the original recipe. Make sure the essential oils you choose are 100% therapeutic grade and approved for internal consumption, guaranteed by EOBBD. Essential oils that do not pass this standard may cause more harm to your body instead of being helpful. Chemically extracted synthetic essential oils are not safe for therapeutic or medicinal use.

Our favorite blend, called Spice of Life, was tested at George University and found to have a 99.968% kill rate against airborne bacteria after just 12 minutes of diffusion.

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