How Your Homeowners Insurance Protects You From Halloween Liability

This is life! As thoughts of Halloween wane with each taste of the November winds, there are homeowners and renters still suffering from liability for related damages.

How is that? Take the following insurance claim examples, for example.

• Jill’s dog was so cute that even strangers who parked next to her commented on the pet inside. The nature of him matched the look. Playful yet gentle, the dog seemed like a perfect ‘best friend’ to his owner and anyone who paid attention to him. However, on Halloween night, the dog seemed to go from Mr. Hyde mode to Mr. Jackal mode. Totally unfaithful to his character, the dog reacted aggressively to the visiting crowds and actually pounced on a child, sinking its sharp teeth into his arm. The resulting injuries to the boy were so extensive that he had to be hospitalized. The parents wasted little time in filing a lawsuit against Jill. Fortunately, Jill’s homeowner’s insurance covered the damage.

• While celebrating Halloween at a relative’s house, a tenant’s house was read with toilet paper and eggs. Expensive equipment was also stolen from inside the garage. The extensive cleaning required professional services, accompanied by a high bill. The landlord’s homeowners insurance covered the vandalism damage, while the man’s renters insurance covered his personal losses.

• Mike was meticulous in raking all the leaves in his front and back yards. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as careful putting the rake away. Leaving the rake lying on the lawn was a big mistake, and not because of the eyesore it caused. As a group of trick-or-treaters came by to collect the proper candy from him, a small pirate tripped over the handle and landed face down on his catwalk. The mask did little to protect the masked man from injuries to his face, leaving him with extensive injuries that required extensive medical attention. A lawsuit was filed against Mike. The insurance company covered Mike’s liability.

• Sandra decided to make Halloween a real project. She involved her husband and her children in the Christmas decorating that included full lawn lighting. The effect was so inspiring that she decided to add even more lights. This, unfortunately, was the proverbial last straw, leading to a fire that caused much financial loss and property loss. Fortunately, Sandra’s homeowner’s insurance protected her.

Talking to an independent insurance agency about liability and Halloween coverage will help homeowners understand all of the added risks and added benefits.

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