Inside the Oscars – The aura of nominee Leonardo Dicaprio

All of the Academy Award Best Actor nominees have delivered outstanding performances…on the surface. They said their lines believably, they developed an interesting character, they got the voice, the way of walking, the appearance. Perhaps most extraordinary is that these magnificent actors received the direction objectively enough to enhance the portrayal of a character, rather than destroy it.

No wonder Oscar nominees are so admired. However, only a small minority of them have gone all the way, changing their CHAKRAS. This requires the greatest talent and a rare kind of courage.

What is it like to change so profoundly, playing apart? Nothing inside of you feels the same. Imagine a piece of beige fabric that you are dyeing green. Most people would be satisfied with a fabric that looks green. But you won’t be satisfied with a simple dunk in the tub. You find a way to make the ultimate transformation. As a result, the cloth changes so completely that if you held the world’s most powerful microscope over that cloth, the tiniest fibers would glow bright green.

Well, okay, here’s something easier to imagine: What happens when an aura reader like me becomes a film critic? I can read the deepest changes possible within an actor. And that is precisely what I will do in this article, with a deep critique of Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance in “Blood Diamond.” (If you would like links to the photos I used in this article, please email me at my website.)

Since I can read auras from regular photographs (and could teach you to do the same, by the way), it’s easy to compare an actor’s aura as himself to his still image from the movie, where he’s in character. Did I see this movie? No. All I know about this role is that he plays a South African mercenary. But reading the photos, I asked this question: Who could be completely transformed? This is what I found out about Leonardo in this movie:

Root Chakra: How Your Personality Projects When You Walk Into A Room

Like himself: powerful charisma, with a very strong physical presence and a good dose of ego.

In the movie: Tough as nails, indomitable, ready to kill. A complete change of aura.

Sexual chakra: what would he be like as a lover?

As Himself: Strong drive, intensely attractive, emphasizing physical sensuality, takes his time.

In the movie: bad boy sexiness, very hard to come by, intensely desirable… especially if you like men on the sadistic side. Immediately, DiCaprio achieves a complete change of aura.

Solar plexus chakra: driving power, what is your pattern at the time of this photo?

Like himself: Huge confidence. Not arrogant, there’s an almost regal “No one messes with Leonardo” feel to it.

In the movie: Love power, live for it. The quest for power dominates his aura, projects more than other databanks. By the way, for this character “power” means to get away with it, with the greatest possible cruelty just to enjoy. I am happy to say that for Leonardo this represents a complete change of aura.

Heart chakra: how do you manage emotions?

Like himself: intensely private, Leonardo has become a walking computer on emotions, having developed an enormous detachment from his inner experiences. Along with a huge repertoire of felt emotions, he has analyzed, memorized, and compartmentalized how to project various emotions. (The closest you or I could get to knowing someone like that is if you know a very experienced analytic therapist… Or a very self-aware long-term therapy patient.)

In the movie: Callous, interested only in himself and dead even to his own feelings. It’s another complete change of aura.

Chakra communication: veracity? Talent? What shows here?

Like himself: cunning and cunning, Leonardo is like a card player with a full deck. He could choose any way to act. Veracity almost seems irrelevant, as if this is a consideration only for people with such limited consciousness that they are only given one card to play. He has no problem with deceiving people or lying, just extraordinary flexibility. (And if he should be thinking, “Aren’t all actors like that?” the simple answer is, “Absolutely not. This is the throat chakra of a master actor.”)

In the movie: I’d rather lie than spit, and I’d be happy to do both. The pent up anger and bitterness contribute to his need to remain hidden as a person, keeping all his communications under control. Get a more complete change of aura.

Chakra of spirituality: how does it connect with God?

Like himself: Huge consciousness here shows a very advanced soul. This is the aura of someone who is much more awake on the inside than most people you will meet on the planet.

In the movie: Access to the spirit is limited. He advances under his own power, without expecting or receiving much conscious help from anyone but himself. If he thinks of God at all, he would be a cruel hateful God. Ready! Here’s another complete aura change.

Soul Expression Chakra: Deep down, how does this person feel as a human being?

Like Himself: Glowing, enjoying life to the fullest, Leonardo is a highly self-actualized person.

In the movie: Because he puts himself first in every situation, this man shows a strong connection in the higher heart chakra. Gloomy rather than happy, he still displays a me-first determination that can be very inspiring to an audience. (Most people don’t do enough on the target, which brings joy, “me first”.) This also counts as a complete aura change.

Summary: Leonardo DiCaprio is one of America’s most talented actors. In “Blood Diamond”, he has given his chakras a complete and believable makeover. He has skillfully combined traits of strength, self-confidence, exceptional focus, and that outrageous sensuality.

It makes sense to talk about sex appeal during a performance. This strongly correlates with winning, whatever your category as an actor. Academy voters may think they’ve responded to a variety of emotions or other refined artistic values, but if they’re human, they respond more strongly to the amount and type of sex appeal that’s portrayed in a movie.

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