Most of the Karateka couldn’t defend themselves from an attacker!

Shock, horror! Well, for my part, I think this is a true statement, but at the same time, I will say, some karateka are very dangerous, they could and would destroy 90% of the attackers!

So what is the difference between the two, ATTITUDE?

When you train, you are what you think, if you are thinking of teddy bears and cupcakes (just one example), you will be as effective as a teddy bear in a fight with a T Rex!

If your attitude is strong and positive in the dojo, you will have a better chance in a real self defense situation.

When your karate is at full speed and power, you need to practice as if your life depends on every move, use a little imagination, your karate can still be practiced safely, but when the techniques become real, it takes on a whole new meaning. . Make it real.

When practicing kata (forms), kihon (basics) or kumite (combat) at high speed, when your blow hits the target, imagine what would actually happen if you struck the blow with full force and without control, is it enough strong enough to hurt or even fell an opponent, it should be.

In the dojo, etiquette, control and discipline rule the day, on the street, they don’t consider your safety, they don’t care if they kill you, and they definitely show no control or mercy.

I don’t remember the exact words he used, but famous boxer Mike Tyson, when he was world champion, said, ‘They can’t hurt me, they can’t knock me out, I won’t let them. In martial arts, karate, and self defense, that’s the attitude to have.

Another quote from Mike Tyson, “All the shots were fired with malicious intent.”

Some karateka naturally have this attitude, others need to train to be like that, never give up, if you knock me down, I’m just going to get up, I won’t stop and when I hit you, I will hit. with, as Mike Tyson says, ‘bad intention’!

So for me, self defense is a mental state, more than a physical state, obviously the physical side is important, but all karateka have the physical side, right?

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