Seduce his mind, make him attached and make him want to commit to you

What “I love you” doesn’t mean

Finally he says he loves you. you are excited And you will think that things will go smoothly from this moment on, right?

Hmm… not so fast. I’m going to have to break the news to you and it may not be what you want to hear: when a guy says that he loves you, it often means nothing. He’s just in the moment and expresses his feelings, what you want, right? He loves you, you’re funny, sexy, beautiful and wonderful and you make him happy, but right now, that doesn’t mean he wants to marry you or even be in a relationship with you!

Oh really?

Yes, read on… there’s more jaw-dropping news about the male psyche.

The reasons for leaving

When he says he loves you, he is telling you the truth. This is how she feels at that particular moment. He adores you, is attracted to you, and probably in love with you too, although he too can be induced by chemical cocktails released during the early stage of courtship. Everything is new and exciting and stuck in the moment.

What you do after that statement is what really matters. And it goes from nothing changes to a new level of commitment.

Unfortunately for most women though, that declaration of love changes everything. Change the dynamics of the relationship and of course the expectations. More often than not, this “L” word makes us think. We are so consumed by thought and act with such anxiety that it often turns off some of its attraction bulbs for us.

So what do you need to do when you hear that? You will feel fine for at least a few days before you become “a new person” to him. You suddenly act so needy and demanding. You are suspicious and want more of his time and attention. You act like a girlfriend even though there is still no discussion of commitment or even exclusivity! You are on an unstoppable road trip to happiness and happily ever after without his consent and cooperation.

And you can imagine what will happen next. He goes away.

Yes, a man can declare his love for you at various points in courtship before or after exclusivity, and depending on where he is in his life, “I love you” doesn’t necessarily mean he’s ready to be exclusive to you either! Maddening, isn’t it?

What should a girl do in such a situation?

Keep calm and be who you have always been. Don’t change a bit. One way to seduce her mind is by making her think and wonder about you. You can only do that by maintaining a bit of an aura of being an enigma that will keep him guessing. You can only do this when you have a fulfilling life, you are in love with life, and you master the art of self-love.

It’s interesting that when you don’t start “the talk”, men usually do it because they’re so fucking curious: why doesn’t this girl ask me where this is going like the rest of them? I’ve had two men actually do that after my breakup. Before the guy I’m dating told me that he loved me, the same night he was fishing where I was when it came to marriage/relationship. And since I acted like “que sera sera” like he did, he felt safe to blurt out that “A” word.

If you’ve done everything right and he still walks away, don’t despair or panic. There is also another reason why men walk away and it has nothing to do with his love and attraction to you. In fact, a man can be so in love with you, but still he feels the need to walk away and even leave the relationship. He has everything to do with what is called the 4 Principles of the Male Hero Avatar.

If this is what is happening to your relationship now, please read this carefully and take all necessary steps to reverse the situation:

What a man needs to commit

A goddess knows how to do the jiujitsu of love: it is not using force or ultimatums, but the very masculine essence of a man that makes him think that the idea comes from himself to be with you and commit to you.

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