Self-leadership begins with self-discovery

Self-discovery, also known as self-awareness, precedes self-leadership. You cannot dominate, nor can you lead what you do not know. In the process of leading our lives we need to come to a complete understanding of ourselves. I read in a book somewhere that “know yourself” is the best and deepest advice ever given to humanity. You can overestimate your abilities or underestimate the power you possess when you don’t know yourself. It starts with self-discovery. No one will come up to you and say: hey, it’s time for you to discover yourself. It is a “do it yourself” job. I share some pearls on how you can get to know your true self.

Many “ordinary” men and women walk our streets every day and die lives without living because they have never taken the time to discover who they really are on the inside. It is time to discover the hidden talents, abilities and natural gifts. Everyone can be someone. Self-discovery begins with an honest self-assessment and audit. It’s about “getting to know yourself,” who you really are, what you believe in, and what motivates you. It’s not about who you pretend to be or who you think you are, but who you really are. You can fool others, but you can’t fool yourself. It’s also not about who others think and say you are. Many people live frustrated lives because they are trying to fit into a mold they were never designed to fit into. Self-discovery can be a lifelong journey for some, but it’s worth it. The sooner you start doing it, the sooner you will start participating in an effective life.

Some people accept the reality that is given to them instead of creating their own reality. If you don’t know who your parents are, your school teacher, your town will give you an identity. If they can give you an identity, they can determine what you can and cannot do. Yes, they love you and mean well, but self-discovery is your personal responsibility. Biblical King David would have remained a shepherd boy all his life if he had yielded to the wishes of his father and brothers, but he was destined to be king. Even if there is a king in you, you could not ascend to the throne if you let what others think of you become too important.

I would have become an academic if I had followed through with my parents’ dream for me. I probably would have succeeded in that, but there were multiple gifts and things I needed to figure out for myself. I discovered that I have a desire to inspire others through writing, speaking, and singing when I did this exercise for myself. I also discovered that although my background was in sales and marketing, I had a passion and desire to develop and inspire others to reach their full potential; This article that you are reading is one of the manifestations of that desire.

Maybe you are limiting who you are to what you do. You are not your job or whatever you do for a living. You can be more and do more. You might be one of those people who once read something and was inspired to “climb higher” but life’s challenges happened and caused you to go back and back. Maybe you lost income, dropped out of school, lost motivation, reduced your sleep, or just stopped dreaming. Don’t let circumstances and setbacks define you. Yes, you failed, but you are not a failure.

You may have been meaning to start building a skill or reading good books. It’s not too late for you to start. I understand that the average CEO drinks at least fifty books in a year. That’s almost a book a week. He can too if he intends to get a head start in his career or business. Leaders are readers. In 2003 I discovered the power of reading, drank twenty books in that season, and have been an avid reader ever since. You don’t have to start with twenty, start with a few chapters a day. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. The journey of fifty books a year begins with the first page, the chapter you decide to sit down and read. Don’t limit yourself to physical books, reading also includes listening to audiobooks, especially when you’re “on the go.”

I hope, in my own way, that I was able to put you on the path to discovering your true self. You have the ability to take charge of your life and direct yourself. He will take the initiative; You owe it to yourself. It doesn’t matter how old or how old you are. This is a reminder that there is more for you. Find out and you’ll thank me.

Here are some questions you can use for self-audit. Feel free to add your own.

  1. What are my gifts and talents that I was born with?

  2. What would my ideal job be if it were unlimited?

  3. What would you be doing right now if you didn’t have to win?

  4. What are your values, what is it, what is important to you?

  5. What do I think I was born for?

I hope the questions above help you get on the path to becoming all you are meant to be.

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