Sheepskins Soothes Colic Baby

Babies suffering from colic

Around the world more than 30% of babies are colicky. Most parents have suffered colic from crying babies just as much as babies. When a baby is colicky, the whole house and family life is disrupted. For moms, a colicky baby only adds more responsibilities, as caring for them seems to take up almost all of their waking hours.

When do colic appear?

Colic occurs in babies when they are between 1 and 3 months old. The thing to remember is that the cramps will go away with time. It usually takes about a week to go away. The causes of colic are not certain. However, babies are getting used to the outside environment and their sensitive systems are adjusting.

Signs of a colicky baby are

Incessant crying, which comes in a pattern. They only cry their warmth

  1. Stiffness of the stomach muscles. The stomach gets very hard.
  2. There may be gas or rumbling in the stomach.
  3. It usually happens at the same time every day.

Sheepskins help soothe colicky babies

Moms and dads should hold the baby close to them while hugging and rocking at the same time. Wrap them in a sheepskin while he holds them close. Sheepskins are warm and cuddly. The warmth and tenderness provided by sheepskin will help baby feel secure and reduce crying.

temperature regulation

Sheepskins also regulate temperature. They can also be used as great padding and base for the baby. They provide a soft cushion for the baby and draw out moisture. This way the baby is safe and dry. While lying on the sheepskin, you can even massage the baby’s tummy, relieving colic a little.

Remember that little things help a baby feel safe and loved. Safe babies have less colic, and the colic goes away faster, too. Additionally, many sheepskins are also machine washable, making them easy to wear and maintain. In this way, mothers and caregivers can wear sheepskins to provide comfort for their babies.

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