Typical Negative Effects of Synephrine-Based Weight Loss Supplements

After the FDA banned ephedra-based weight-loss supplements, supplement makers considered natural components and artificial remedies that mimic the effects of ephedra on your body. Synephrine is one of these, a drug that produces adrenaline and nor-adrenaline in the system to stimulate the metabolic process. Countless people today rely on this powerful component to help them with their weight loss goals. In fact, it’s a stimulant that could be just as addictive as caffeine. Although synephrine is still used as a supplement by a large number of serious weightlifters and health buffs, it can have numerous negative effects.

So how exactly does synpehrine behave in your body?

Synephrine is used in weight loss supplements as a metabolic booster. It is usually present in fat burners, thermogenic products and remedies to reduce hunger. Synephrine works as a stimulant in your body, helping to break down body fat even as it switches the adrenaline mechanism to a higher level. Synephrine helps you:

• Promotes the burning of body fat

• Decrease the desire to eat

• Produce a feeling of health

• Increase energy, often providing a “high” very similar to caffeine intake

• Boost caloric expenditure

The substance is produced from the fruits of Citrus aurantium. It is usually listed as bitter orange, zhishi and sour orange in ‘natural’ weight loss supplements.

Because synephrine is similar in pharmacological structure to ephedrine, it can offer the same types of negative effects that many ephedra users suffered and still experience. Ongoing study and medical testing will provide more detail on syneprine’s lasting consequences. However, until that time, there is absolutely no definitive proof that synephrine is safe. Almost all weight loss supplements containing synephrine have never been approved by the FDA.

Typical Negative Effects of Synephrine

Because synephrine works as a stimulant in your body, it’s far from a great match for those who are susceptible to caffeine intake and anyone with a history of heart disease or hypertension, as well as those with thyroid issues. Negative effects of synephrine can include:

• Rapid increases in blood pressure levels

• Cardiac arrhythmia

• Redness of the skin

• perspire

• Discomfort

• Aggression or excitement

• Respiratory problems

• Dizziness

• Severe headaches

• Tremors

• Very low blood glucose and blood glucose imbalance

These negative effects are almost all comparable in extent to ephedrine and ephedra-based weight loss drugs that are banned from the market. However, synephrine has been combined with other stimulants such as guarana, kola nut (for caffeine intake), green tea extract, and white willow (an organic type of aspirin).

Most Important Consideration: Synephrine is an amphetamine-like ingredient that produces the same response in your body as ephedrine. Although it is actually produced from fruit, it is strong enough to produce a major change in the body that may or may not result in weight loss. Anyone thinking of losing weight long-term can do so with routine exercise, a healthy diet plan, and making sure that they are, in fact, using dietary supplements that consist of essential nutrients and natural vitamins to continue to keep the system strong. Supplements like synephrine include destructive chemicals that will cleanse the system of important nutrients, making it even more difficult to maintain a healthy and healthy way of life.

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