Use the Internet to get your product information to the public

I have found that the Internet is a great way to get my products out to the public. I get a lot of my leads through iTunes. Now how do I know where all my leads are coming from? On my site, I have a page called Free CD. For years I’ve been giving out a CD for free and I’ll send it and pay shipping to anyone in the world and on this CD are 61 hours of my best audio recordings. A lot of the recordings on that CD aren’t even on my site.

I will mail it and pay for shipping to anyone in the world. But I’m trading you that valuable CD that some people want to receive in the mail that I’m trading you for information. I get their first name, last name, mailing address, fax number, phone number, company name, their website, what business they are in, if they are an audio or video student or like to read more. Do you own the license rights for any product? Would they be willing to rent your client list? Are they interested in learning how to use audio to sell more of your product or service? How did they find out about me?

So I can see all of these things and I have really good tracks from people asking for this CD. So I change the information for postage and the cost of shipping the CD. I look at where people find out about me and I see a lot of people coming from YouTube and iTunes. Now, YouTube we took about 150 videos and you can only put a 10 minute video on YouTube and my assistant transferred them into these ABI files, these movie files that are compatible with YouTube and we made a slideshow with nothing but testimonials. If you go on YouTube and search for Michael Senoff, you’ll see how I did this.

So I have 150 10-minute audio recordings, they all start with “Hi, I’m Michael Senoff…” and I get my commercial first and then the 10 minute audio and then the video presentation. which is a slideshow of nothing but testimonials on my site, I direct you to my site. I also get a lot of traffic from YouTube.

So you want to take advantage of everything out there that has the potential for people to stumble across your information or audio. These are just a few of the fairly inexpensive ways to get the word out.

There’s one here that I didn’t mention, voice transmission. It can be very popular and very powerful. That’s when, if you have a customer list and you have their phone numbers, there are online services where you can upload those phone numbers and record a thirty second or sixty second outgoing message for those people. it’s very cheap

You can: Just like a mass email, you can send a mass phone message to your customers’ answering machines. If someone answers the phone, you can program it to hang up and just leave a message on your answering machine and it sounds very natural. They would never know it was delivered by a computer and not you calling them personally. That you can really take advantage of.

Now, there are some new laws coming into effect here. I think they may already be in effect with voice transmission. You should have a list of registered customer phone numbers. You can’t stream I think it’s illegal here now in the US unless you opt for a very similar email. You can’t send spam.

That is another cheap and effective way to generate sales and traffic.

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