What causes ingrown hair and how to prevent it

On the day of waxing, your skin is so smooth it almost glows. And then the next day… you notice some redness and a little swelling on the skin. Ouch, you just had an ingrown hair!

We are not all the same when it comes to unwanted hair growth and this is a harsh reality, but when it comes to ingrown hair, Mother Nature has been more “fair” – it can develop on all skin types. To eliminate the intruder you must understand how and why it invaded.

why and how

An ingrown hair is actually a mini-inflammation of the dermis caused by a hair that does not grow according to its usual path. It grows under the skin and causes swelling that can also be a symptom of folliculitis (inflammation with pus). Not very glamorous at all… But let’s see what are the main causes of ingrown hair. Double or triple edge razor blades When using these types of blades, you run the risk of cutting the hair under the skin. The first blade pulls the hair back and the second blade cuts. After being cut by the second blade, the hair passes under the skin. Therefore, it cannot follow its originally intended route in the follicle and ends up embedded in the skin.

hair removal techniques

Waxing, and waxing in particular, can promote the development of ingrown hairs. Tweezing and electrolysis can also irritate the follicles. Since the hair is being pulled out by the roots, the new hair will grow on its own with no guidance to follow its normal path. Also, waxing in the opposite direction of the hair increases the risk of deflecting hair from its normal path.

Blockage of the skin pores.

Overuse of moisturizers can contribute to clogged pores and potentially cause folliculitis and ingrown hairs. At the same time, a buildup of dead skin cells in the skin pores can prevent new hair from penetrating through the skin. There are many ways to decrease the chances of hair growth. It is recommended to soften the skin and hair or beard before shaving. Gently rub the skin to remove dead skin cells for a clean shave. Avoid shaving immediately after getting out of the shower, as the steam from the shower will still soften the hair too much to remove properly. Exfoliation can help you improve the surface of your skin. This works primarily by cleaning off the top layers of dead skin. Exfoliation can be done by rubbing glycolic or salicylic acid on the face regularly. You can also remove ingrown hairs by brushing your beard in circular motions using a soft brush along with a liquid cleanser. This can also help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores to allow hair to grow.

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