What Causes Vaginal Boils and How Can You Prevent Boils From Reappearing?

Perhaps the only things worse than boils are vaginal boils! These painful growths can occur anywhere in the groin region and are always the same: a red, tender swelling that hardens and fills with pus. What causes them to occur and what can you do to prevent them from coming back? Read on to find out.

Causes of vaginal boils

Boils on the skin of the vagina or lips can be caused by a number of factors, including: poor hygiene, poor diet, being overweight, or an immune disorder. They are usually caused by ingrown hairs that develop as a result of shaving the vagina. They can also be caused by friction, created by wearing underwear that is too tight or made from synthetic materials that don’t allow the groin to get enough air. Finally, if you exercise regularly, moisture can get trapped between your workout clothes and your skin, allowing bacteria to turn into vaginal boils.

How to treat them

Treating vaginal boils requires that you keep the area as dry and friction-free as possible. Switch to cotton panties if you’re not already wearing them, and be sure to change them frequently, at least once a day and more if you’re sweating or exercising. If you wear pads or protectors during your monthly period, be sure to change them frequently throughout the day to prevent moisture and bacteria build-up. If you shave, add the daily exfoliation to your routine. A dry brush that is passed several times over the shaved area will keep dead skin cells away and prevent ingrown hairs.

Get relief from symptoms

Let’s face it: there’s not much you can do to avoid a bit of friction in this area, and your skin is probably hypersensitive if you’re suffering from a vaginal boil outbreak. First, get a homeopathic spray that contains hepar sulphar. This all-natural ingredient helps calm skin sensitivity and reduces pain and swelling. Then apply a warm compress to the area several times a day. This should help you bring the infection to a head. Remember, this is a highly contagious infection and you need to be very careful when you start to drain. Use antibacterial wipes to clean the drained fluid and then change the area with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a clean bandage several times a day while you wait for the swelling to dissipate.

There are other homeopathic ingredients that can soothe the itch and help strengthen your immune system to resist infections like this. Visit my website where you will find vaginal boil treatment ideas and more information on ingredients that can help. There, I also tell you which spray I have found that works quickly to relieve symptoms and can even help prevent a boil from having to form a head.

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