Wholesale Marketing: Can You Survive Without a Blog?

Can real estate wholesalers survive without blogging today?

Blogs are more than just another channel for wholesale marketing, although it is still one of the most effective. Can your wholesale real estate business live without it, what are the alternatives and if you are going to start a blog how can you maximize results?

Of course, selling wholesale properties is entirely possible without having a blog. It is also possible to wholesale houses profitably without having any social media account or even a mobile phone or car.

Today, there are many other options for wholesale marketing. Offline methods like direct mail, cold calling, yard signs, and open houses still work. On the web, PPC advertising through Google AdWords, email marketing, display ads, property listings, and social media also work. All of these channels and strategies can generate leads, help build lists, and result in closed deals.

But can you really thrive without a blog?

When it comes to wholesale marketing, a blog can make everything else better. You can increase the results of all your other efforts and your ROI.

You can grow without it, but if you’re not maximizing your ROI and profit margins, or at least achieving the best spreads in the industry, sooner or later your competition will get the upper hand.

Blogs can be as cheap and rewarding as Facebook or Google+, but they also offer so much more.

Blogging can generate constant organic web traffic and leads. It helps SEO and search engine ranking. It also lasts much longer. A great blog post can literally keep producing leads for years.

Even better, it increases credibility and authority, can be used to position real estate businesses and professionals to increase value, can trigger viral campaigns on the internet, and embedded ads can create additional passive income streams to increase revenue and diversify.

In fact, when it comes to wholesale marketing, it could be said that wholesalers can often survive on blogging alone, if they are good at it and put in the effort.

So how can you maximize the potential results of blogging?

Improve your blog results and ultimately the overall performance of your business by:

Combine blog posts with email and social media

Trade guest blogs to reach a larger audience and better placement on Google

Encourage social sharing and make it easy to drive word of mouth marketing.

do it daily

Committing to original, fresh, high-quality blog content.

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