You’ve Got It Covered – Girls Canopy Beds

If there’s one design element that makes a girl feel more like a princess, it’s a canopy over her bed. Kids canopy beds conjure up romantic storybook images of a happily ever after.

Canopy beds have a royal legacy

Canopy beds are rightly associated with princesses and other royals, as canopy beds have their origins in ancient castles as a means of dealing with the unwieldy drafts these palaces produced. In winter, the castle’s beds were covered with heavy curtains to help contain the heat. During the summer months, the thick cloth material was replaced with thin netting used to keep mosquitoes and other insects and pests away.

Both protective and comfort-generating uses for canopies in those medieval times were luxuries that only the elite could afford. That tradition of putting canopies over beds spread from there to modern mansions and estates where people sought to live in perceived luxury, whether or not they required additional protection from drafts, heat, or pest prevention.

Canopy beds for children give good feelings to girls

Canopy beds for girls are not only a symbol of luxury and wealth, but for the girls who sleep in them, they are also a symbol of beauty, elegance and grace. When a little girl wakes up under a canopy, she can imagine herself as a princess in her palace, or an angel in her own private heaven, or a fairy or goblin in an enchanted forest. Regardless of what she imagines, one thing is for sure: she feels as beautiful on the inside as her surroundings on the outside.

More than that even, canopy beds for girls provide a subtle sense of safety, security and protection in your bedroom. The simple veil that a canopy provides gives girls just enough of a sense of privacy that they can relax enough to fall asleep.

Types of canopy beds for girls

Most custom themed beds can be designed with a canopy included. Princess castle beds certainly can, but so can Tudor cottage theme beds, Victorian theme beds, horse and carriage or horse and buggy theme beds, and more. Additionally, canopies can be built into kid’s bunk beds, kid’s loft beds, and kid’s Murphy beds alike.

Canopy beds for girls can be built in a four-poster style or with an open half-canopy. You can have them made of cloth or wood or wrought iron. And you can make or paint them in any color or design you and your child like.

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