US RDA Vs. Optimal Health

Attempts have recently been made to make food labels easier to read. Everyone is familiar with the boxed information on our food packages that provides information on the nutritional content of the foods they contain. It tells you the serving size, calories, and the percentage of the US RDA, which means the US RDA, that this food product meets. But many people wonder what these “recommended daily amounts” are based on.

The percentage of the US RDA is based on an average-sized 200-pound man on a 2,000 calorie diet. They are also based on the amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential to provide “proper” health for this man. According to an article published in Health World Online, titled Nutrient Intakes of Typical American Diets, “RDAs are the most commonly accepted guidelines for setting target levels of nutrient intake; however, RDAs are not intended to represent optimal levels of nutrient intake for the individual “.

Common sense would dictate that if a consumer is reading the nutritional content of food packaging, that particular consumer is interested in optimal health as opposed to the “proper health” that is represented on food labels.

Since vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for optimal health are not represented, you could reach 100% of the RDA every day and still be deficient in many of the essential nutrients that would provide optimal personal health .

Each individual’s body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes, and excretes essential nutrients slightly differently. Many things can alter a person’s nutritional needs, such as age, illness, pregnancy, diet, exercise, stress, or certain prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Tests are available from your doctor that can provide you with a personal and individualized analysis of the demands of essential nutrients for your body. You can learn more about this Spectracell test on their website

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