Beauty from You to Me: Recognize that beauty is in everyone and everything

Every day when I wake up, I look forward to the beautiful things God has in store for me. Sometimes life sends us curves that need silence and introspection. I am satisfied with learning the lessons that the universe gives me, although I am sensitive and I am easily moved by my own and others’ pain and suffering; Sometimes I feel the pain of people I’ve never met. I realize that while I patiently wait for the universe to open doors and opportunities for me, I still need to do the normal and not-so-fun things of daily life. I decided long ago that I would find beauty in every activity until the day I take my last breath. There are many activities that go on in our daily lives, too many to even list that are exhausting and make us forget how beautiful life can be. My best course of action is to enjoy the journey and seek and find beauty in EVERYTHING!

I enjoy listening to music of various genres, writing songs or poetry, especially while participating in two or more activities. Sometimes I’m vacuuming and I start to dance and enjoy the rhythm of the music.

As I watch the sunrise, I usually decide which chore to do first.

As I watch the waves of the nearby lake, I imagine that I am swimming in a clear emerald green ocean.

If I’m watching TV and notice a beautiful product or family-style commercial, that’s when I admire the beauty of people doing mundane things everywhere.

Reading has always been an incredible escape to visualize another environment and learn about the splendor and beauty of other people’s culinary styles, habits, practices or ideologies, there is beauty EVERYWHERE!

There are so many gathering areas where you can discover new people and places, all you have to do is have an open heart and decide that you will seek out and meet beautiful new people. Meeting new people or participating in new activities is like discovering new frontiers or trying a new adventure. Alone time, time on the phone, or taking the time to have a great conversation is amazing and a beautiful find that you will cherish for decades!

Enjoy your garden, enjoy the full landscape, watch the flowers or the birds that fly to your patio or garden.

Beauty is everywhere, easy to attract, and a great way to notice something different, unusual, or beautiful.

Enjoy the simple things, tasks or chores, it’s never boring when you work at home.

You will find adventure or discover beauty in simple yet subtle ways if you pay attention to the beautiful things around you throughout the day.

If I cook, or clean or wash my clothes; It is in simplicity that beauty surrounds me.

As I wash my clothes and see the dirt and grime being washed away, it is similar compared to life. Life is allowing old concepts, ideas or beliefs to disappear, be washed away or cleaned. Giving space to new experiences is giving new life to clean, freshly washed clothes and a beautiful new way of life.

In life, we are the ones who decide what we need to release, purge, clean or omit to discover the beauty below the surface; Like the story of the caterpillar and the butterfly.

In the novelty comes the beauty in appreciating the unknown of you to me; from me to you. If you and I have argued, then I must apologize, the reason is not important, the wasted time and the beauty of our friendship is more important than who is right or who is wrong.

Like soap scum, from the washing machine, going down the drain; I allow myself to release the pain; As clean, the rinse water cleans my clothes. I allow the light to cleanse and energize my life in the light of wisdom and appreciation.

I enrich my life and enjoy the beauty of you to me, me to you, while we discover new ideas and different principles of conduct or engage in a great exchange of verbal energy. The smile you send me is amazing, comforting and beautiful and has made my day so much happier!

As I mop, dust, and remove rust around my appliances, doors, and floors in my home, it’s like removing the mask that once covered the beautiful sight in my eyes. My perceived ideas that once deluded me into being unable or unwilling to see beautiful friendships established between friends who choose to be friends no longer hinder my vision of the beauty found during the course of life’s events.

Understand that in allowing yourself and others to participate in dreams, free from judgment, there is beauty; the beauty of you for me; from me to you..

Discover the beauty in daily life..

~I enjoy learning from you and from others, continually offering me knowledge.

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