Broken government, America in trouble

William Penn said: “Government, like clocks, departs from the movement that men give them; and just as men make and move governments, they also ruin them.”

Thomas Jefferson said: “The Constitution is a mere wax thing in the hands of the judiciary, who can twist and shape it in any way they want … The germ of the dissolution of our federal government is in the federal judiciary.”

Jefferson went on to say, “On every issue of construction, let us go back to the time the Constitution was adopted, let us remember the spirit manifested in the debates and, instead of proving what meaning can be drawn from the text or invented against it, according to the probable in the one that was passed. “

Our leaders in government today are sadly a far cry from the selfless spirit of the Founding Fathers. The Supreme Court justices seek to advance their ideological agenda. Politicians win favor with multinational corporations and foreign states that fund their campaigns and return favors by drafting laws and policies designed to benefit their constituents. The Commander-in-Chief uses national intelligence offices to collect false information about regimes such as Sadaam’s in Iraq to create charges and indictments about weapons of mass destruction. Then once our American troops are in Iraq, we turn around and use white phosphorus (a chemical agent) on the Iraqis in Jalalabad. Meanwhile, well-meaning soldiers die for what our leaders tell us is necessary to secure the homeland. Nothing is further from the truth, as our militaristic demolition of Iraq and the inhumane treatment of prisoners in Cuba has only further incited militant Muslims around the world against us.

The United States government is bankrupt and its leaders corrupt. Our national security is in jeopardy, as is our economy, due to poor border control and an unwillingness to tackle tough problems on our own soil. Before going abroad to watch over the world, we must bring order to our own nation.

The US government should take the 9/11 Commission report and declassify all information relevant to Saudi Arabia and everything else that has been covered up by the Bush administration. President Clinton made public the failures of his administration regarding Bin Laden. It is time that we do what is best for the nation, not for our political party or our personal pockets.

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