Native American Jewelry: Authentic or Fake?

Different people like different types of jewelry: some are fans of traditional pieces, others like antique metal with a modern design, and others like Native American jewelry more than anything else. If you fall into the latter category or just enjoy unique jewelry, you should shop for Native American jewelry.

Purchasing may seem easy, like placing an order followed by the normal checkout process. But there is a catch. Do you want to buy something of low quality, paying the same price of an authentic piece? Certainly not. Therefore, it is best to arm yourself with the proper knowledge about Native American jewelry, so that you are not fooled by fake pieces.

How would you differentiate the authentic pieces from the fake ones? Your knowledge about authentic jewelry will help you. Here are some points to consider before purchasing Native American jewelry.

Value: Artistic, Historical and Monetary

The Spanish introduced silverware to the Native Americans. Since then, tribes and peoples began to develop their unique style of jewelry that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Authentic Native American jewelry artists design unique pieces with their innovations, patience, and hand tools. Sand casting is a special method, whereby the silversmith carves a mold to form the silver, and the molten silver destroys the mold. If you look at this guy carefully, you’ll understand the level of patience the artist needed to design this jewelry.

Apart from this, there is the placement of stones. The size of the stone, its fine cut and, above all, the setting differentiate it from the fake ones. Please note that no adhesive is used to affix the stone to an authentic piece. Rather, it fits into inlay patterns with sand or similar materials.

Due to this immense set of skills and patience, artists put a worthy price on their jewelry. Often the price may seem a bit high, but if the sellers bargain with you and you can buy Native American jewelry at a much lower price, don’t question its authenticity.

Federal law

Federal law provides some protections for consumers to help them purchase authentic jewelry. In accordance with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, the label “Native American” or “Indian” may only be used on authentic products. Be sure of duplicity if the label says anything else.

Signs and Symbols

In addition to labeling and value, there are some signs and symbols that help to understand the authenticity of the product. A hallmark, the artist’s signature, and sometimes the date of manufacture is stamped or engraved on the jewelry. This indicates the authenticity of the jewelry.

The material of the jewelry is also a factor in deciding its authenticity. Sterling silver is typically used as a Native American jewelry material. The best way to tell a sterling silver piece of jewelry from a silver piece is to examine it with a magnet. Silver probably contains nickel, so it will attract a magnet, while real silver will not.

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