Choosing a web server: shared or dedicated hosting?

You are new to this world of web hosting and you just created your first website. Now, while looking for a web server to host the site, he came across two types of web hosting: shared and dedicated. And this confused you even more; What differentiates these two and which one should you choose?

Basically what separates these plans is how the server is used. For a shared plan, as the name implies, you are actually sharing your server with many other websites that use the same plan. This means that you have to share bandwidth and other web resources with the web sites on the server. The dedicated plan, on the other hand, gives the lease full ownership of the server.

There is more to these plans than the previous definition. Details will be discussed below.

First of all, let’s go to the shared plan. The highlight of the plan is its price. As you share hosted resources as well as incurred running costs with hundreds of other websites, you lower your monthly rental fee. This in turn makes it affordable. Due to the high competition in this niche, you can really get some good bargains in terms of web space and bandwidth.

Also, shared web hosting solutions have a “what you see, what you get” or WYSIWYG interface that can be really easy to use. Most web servers provide a graphical user interface (GUI), like Windows, that allows you to easily upload and delete files. In addition to that, the GUI also provides easy access to webmaster tools such as site visitor statistics.

Last but not least, shared web hosting plans are fast, waste-free, and easy to maintain. You can focus more on building your website as shared web hosting plans are maintained by web professionals. As you will only use what your website needs, it tends to waste less web resources unlike the dedicated web server host. In case you have reached the limit of your web plan, you can always buy more.

Moving on to the dedicated host plan, the main advantage of using the dedicated host plan is that you can control what is loaded onto your server completely as you don’t have to share the resources with hundreds of other websites. This means that you can have all web resources at your disposal. This plan is ideal for high traffic websites. Since dedicated web servers generally offer unlimited bandwidth, it is a better option if your website attracts a lot of traffic.

Dedicated servers would not have the risk of being blocked by search engines like shared servers do. This is because dedicated servers have their own Internet Protocol or unique IP addresses. The shared server, on the other hand, has to share its IP addresses among all the other websites it contains. Therefore, if one of the websites is carrying out illegal activities such as spam and so on, the entire server will be blacklisted and therefore your website will be blocked or listed as a “site. high risk”.

In short, before deciding which plan to choose, consider the basic needs of your website. If you will need always high bandwidth or if it will consume a large amount of web space. Don’t forget the growth impact of your website over time. Make a rough forecast of the amount of web resources, such as memory, web space, and bandwidth, that your website is likely to use over time.

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