Desire beats mother nature: listen to that itch to do what you love

We have heard many stories about miraculous situations: a mute child begins to speak, people who are declared dead come back to life and those who seem to have hit rock bottom rise to become one of the greatest legends in history.

We are amazed by these stories, completely amazed, we applaud these men and women for their achievements…and 10 minutes later we are back to doing exactly what we were doing. The next day, it’s even worse. We don’t even remember the names of these people or what they did.

You can inspire your penniless friend a million times over with the achievements of Donald Trump; You can teach your son over and over how his cousin is now studying to become a doctor and is so successful and hardworking. I bet this will inspire them, but only during those brief moments when you’re telling them the story.

Have you noticed that when we really like what we do, we do it much better? A child can be a master at video games, but fail science, why does this happen? He is learning the information at school, everything is given to him. So why is it failing? He didn’t know how to play the video game when he first bought it; he had to learn to do that too. So why did he get so good at it?

The answer is simple. He became a video game master because he had the DESIRE to achieve that goal. You can say “well, video games are fun, it’s not surprising that he put all that energy into learning how to do it.” To that I will say, “You’re absolutely right. He has fun doing it. He has the DESIRE to do it. He has the PASSION to do it. And that’s why it’s so easy. Find something you’re passionate about and see what happens with your results.”

Napolean Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’, said something very powerful. He said, “Wish backed by faith knows no words like impossible.” I think it’s one of the best things anyone has ever written. When you have a burning desire to do something, you don’t know what Plan B is. You don’t know the word ‘Failure’. All you have is your vision, your intention, and the fact that you believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are going to achieve your goal. Many human beings today turn off their burning desires and let their rational minds take control. “I don’t have time”, “It’s too risky”, “I don’t have money to do something like that”. And then these same people sit back and wonder why they’re not getting the results they want.

These beliefs become so ingrained in their minds that they begin to believe that money is hard to earn and that not everyone is destined for it.

Let’s back up a bit: what is money? Looking at it from a scientific perspective, it is a piece of paper with a number written on it that allows you to buy things. But the VALUE placed on these pieces of paper differs from person to person. Give a poor man a $5 bill and he becomes the most grateful man in the world. Give a rich man a $5 bill, he may be grateful, but he knows how to do more than that in a few minutes.

Now when we understand that money only means what we want it to mean, we can begin to change our thinking. James Allen said, “If your true desire is to be good, then there is no need to wait for the money before you do it. You can do it now, this very moment, right where you are.”

Great men did not become great by listening to the people of their society. Rich men didn’t get rich by staying in a job they hated. They became what they are because they had an idea, an idea that created a burning DESIRE in their minds, in their hearts, in their souls. This desire is what prompted them to begin their journey to abundance.

The universe has everything you need. According to Bob Proctor, a legend in the personal growth industry and author of ‘You Were Born Rich,’ the resources you need to make your dream a reality are already available to you. The resources needed to create the Internet have always been here: we just needed to KNOW how to create it, and now we have it. But this started with an IDEA. That idea translated into DESIRE, to make that idea a physical reality. And once that step was achieved, even Mother Nature couldn’t stop it from becoming a fact.

Doctors have told so many people that they will never walk again; But this is just an opinion! Doctors don’t know what you’re capable of, nobody knows what you’re capable of. If you can allow yourself to let go of all your doubts and embrace your desire to walk on two feet once again, the universe will come to your aid and give you everything you need, and your desire will even surpass Mother Nature.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Listen only to your wishes and follow in the footsteps of those who have achieved such great goals. They had an idea and acted on it. Pick up those dreams and feel that burning desire in you to do what you REALLY WANT TO DO. Because those dreams are the key to giving you the results you really want.

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