Dos and Don’ts of Acupuncture Treatment

Success with acupuncture therapy is not a foregone conclusion. Below are the things I advise my acupuncture patients to DO or NOT DO to maximize the benefits of their acupuncture treatment.

•Have something in the stomach during treatment
•Inform the acupuncturist if you have consumed alcohol, tobacco or caffeine (since these substances modify your diagnostic signs)
•Wear loose clothing whenever possible
•Arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment and avoid rushing
• Urinate before your appointment and before entering the treatment room.
• Be prepared to complete paperwork
•Be prepared to be in the clinic for at least 1 hour, with you on the table for a minimum of 30 minutes of needle retention time
•Try to relax as much as possible during treatment
•Turn off your cell phone during treatment
•Stop smoking cigarettes as they are working against your ability to heal
•Call with 24 hours notice of cancellation or schedule change
• Think of realistic goals to set for the acupuncture course (I would consider a 50% improvement in level of pain/symptoms and/or a 50% improvement in level of function as “realistic” for a 6 to 10 year course). treatments)
•Pay close attention to:
-If and/or how your pain/symptom has changed (decreased or increased)
-How long your pain/symptom changed
-If the pain has moved, changed in quality or frequency
-If you had no change, slight, medium, good or great relief or increase in pain

• Expect to be multitasking during your treatment
• Move body parts with needles in them
• Arrive on an empty stomach or immediately after a large meal
•Exerting yourself too much (physically, mentally, or emotionally) after treatment
• Consume alcohol (or other toxic substances) on the day of your treatment
•Make movements, perform actions or participate in activities that will exacerbate your pain throughout the course of treatment
•Swimming or bathing for 1 hour after acupuncture treatment

Many of these suggestions are designed to keep you safe during and after an acupuncture treatment. An example would be swimming or bathing after acupuncture. Why not take a dip in a public pool within an hour of your treatment? We just put a bunch of microscopic holes in your skin! We are trying to prevent an infection from occurring.

Some suggestions allow the doctor to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. If you drink a cup of coffee just before an acupuncture treatment, you are likely to stain your tongue and tongue coating a different color than it would otherwise. This could rule out the acupuncturist’s diagnosis. It will most likely increase your heart rate. Because we rely on tongue and pulse diagnostic techniques, it should be clear why we want you to avoid it right before your treatment. Also, caffeine increases cortisol activation and might increase the pain you feel when inserting the needle.

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