GURPS Vs D&D – Battle of RPGs

In the world of role-playing games, there is inevitably an argument as to which system is better. Is A better than B, is B better than C, and C is better than Y? It all comes down to what you like. Do you like realistic games where you would roll the dice to see if you can get on a horse while arrows are falling on you from above? Would you rather break down the door and kill the dragon type games? Read on and I’ll give my views on these two RPG systems.

GURPS – Generic Universal Role Play System

GURPS is a great game for RPG players. This system allows you to create practically any character you can imagine. Do you want to play the ectoplasmic dancing toaster from the first Ghostbusters movie? Well if I did I could create it in GURPS. GURPS does exactly what it says. You can configure your game anywhere and anytime and be able to create a character to play.

However, this can create a real problem with new players. Information overload. The main problem most new players have is creating a character. Without the guidance of an experienced player, the many options and rules for character creation can lead a new player to inaction. However, GURPS is very scalable, you can play a game with some very basic rules or you can play a game that gets really complex.

If you can get past the complexities of character creation, then a real treat awaits you. This system was designed to be practically THE only system that you would really need to play any type of game that you may or may not be interested in. If you can think about it, chances are high that GURPS can do it.

GURPS is my favorite game system due to the possibilities of the system. It’s a litter box filled to the brim with everything you need to create the best sand castle you can make.

D&D – Dungeons and Dragons

D&D, this is the granddaddy of all RPGs. Without this game, there is a great possibility that many of the role-playing and video games will be very different from what they are now. These games owe a lot to D&D. Being the first RPG with rules sets the stage for what has become a global hobby and industry for millions of people.

Although D&D is taking a while, the publisher has recently released D&D 4th Edition. I think this system has strayed a lot from its roots in Original D&D and Advanced D&D. The new system is more like a video game. Which, I’ll be honest, can bring a lot of new players to the hobby. But it’s not the old-time D&D I grew up with.

D&D 4 is pretty straightforward, you create a character based on character classes and races and using the level-based system your character progresses and becomes more powerful. In D&D 3.5 there seemed to be a specific range of levels where the game was at its best. In D&D 4 I think they solved this problem where the game can be enjoyed at all levels.

D&D 4 is more related to kicking in the door and killing whatever is there and taking their treasure. Rinse and repeat. But I also think it has opened up the options for role-playing that D&D 2nd ed or 3.5 by removing certain skills, makes the game real in social settings rather than rolling the dice to see if they managed to talk to someone. That is just one example.

So can I choose one system over the other? Sure, but that’s because I’ve been playing it for over 20 years, and yes, I cut my teeth from RPGs at D&D. But, as I have matured and become more interested in many more things, GURPS is better suited to my interests and play style than D&D. Not to say a fast-paced game, knocking down the door isn’t fun sometimes. It’s just not something you want to play with all the time.

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