Strategies for an IT Intrapreneur to Overcome Resistance to New Technologies

Strategies for an IT Intrapreneur

Whether you are the intrapreneur of the future or an experienced technologist, you might face resistance from your company when it comes to adopting new technologies. This is a common problem, especially for companies that are undergoing digital transformation. The good news is, there are many strategies you can employ to overcome this resistance.

The most important thing to IT intrapreneur remember is that not everyone will be excited about change, even if it’s for the better. Some people might think that the change will be a threat to their personal interests, even if they understand it’s for the greater good of the organization as a whole.

This is why it’s crucial to take the time to create a solid communications plan that is tailored to the different audiences within the organization. The strategy should be to communicate the why, the what and the how of the change, with a strong emphasis on why it is for the greater good. This will make it easier for employees to digest the changes and feel like they have more ownership over the process.

Strategies for an IT Intrapreneur to Overcome Resistance to New Technologies

Change can also be overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to implement changes in small doses. This will give your team time to get used to the technology and will keep productivity from being interrupted.

Another way to minimize resistance is by focusing on the benefits of the technology. This will help people see how it can improve their job performance, and will also show that the company values its employees and wants them to be successful.

It is also helpful to identify natural leaders in your organization and use them as ambassadors for the new technology. These individuals will be able to filter positive information about the technology to the rest of the team and can help dispel any fears that might arise.

You might also want to consider having a “fail fast” or “fail forward” culture in your organization. This means allowing employees to try things out and learn from their mistakes. This will allow them to grow and evolve as workers and will also give your business a competitive advantage.

Finally, it’s a good idea to offer incentives to employees who demonstrate their willingness to adapt to new technology. This can be in the form of additional vacation days, higher pay or other perks. By encouraging your employees to embrace the new technology, they will be more likely to buy into it and overcome any resistance that may occur.

If you are looking to build an intrapreneurship program within your own business, speak to your supervisor and colleagues to learn how to create one. They will be able to provide you with insights on the current processes that your company uses to decide what intrapreneurship projects to support and how to promote them. They might even have suggestions on how to modify the existing processes for better results. Intrapreneurs are often tasked with creating innovative solutions that will make the company more efficient and productive, so it’s essential to have the support of management in order for them to be successful.

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