What is Bipap / Cpap therapy?

Cpap therapy

The acronym (cpap) stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. Cpap is used to treat sleep apnea patients who have upper airway obstruction.

CPAP is a simple respiratory ventilator used by people with sleep apnea while they sleep at home after a polysomnography study at a sleep center.

When a patient has sleep apnea, their upper airways are blocked by the nasal cavity, palatal tissue, or the base of the tongue (hypopharynx). However, in some cases it can affect the entire upper respiratory tract.

Cpap prevents upper airway disruption by pushing a steady, steady stream of air through a mask worn while sleeping, effectively forcing the air passages to remain open allowing the patient to breathe and relieving apneas .

There are numerous types of these types of machines on the market, which essentially do the same thing. It is usually a small compact device that is attached to tubes that carry air to the patient at rest. Some models have heated humidifiers, as well as c-flex settings that make it easy to breathe out.

There are also several types of face masks that can be used with continuous positive airway pressure machines. Straps that go around the head and tighten to hold the mask in place and prevent leakage.

Complications with Cpap

Some patients are unable to stand with a mask overnight, seriously reducing the benefit of this treatment modality.

Still other patients want a good night’s rest without a mask, so they choose surgery.

Patients experience vertigo when using CPAP therapy, chest congestion, risk of developing complex sleep apnea or (CSA), nasal dryness, sneezing, runny nose, nosebleeds, in extreme cases infection around the lining of the brain.

By working closely with your doctor and sleep therapist, you will be able to determine the correct presser foot settings for you.

BiPAP therapy

Bi-level positive airway pressure is similar to CPAP therapy; however, with BiPAP therapy there are two different pressure settings for the patient.

Patients receiving BiPAP therapy have been found to have respiratory disorders beyond sleep apnea.

With Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or (CPAP), the machine delivers a constant, constant flow of pressure into the airways during inhalation and exhalation.

BiPAP therapy is used to treat more than just sleep apnea. The bipap machine can detect how much pressure a patient needs and deliver the proper amount of air pressure when inhaling and exhaling.

Tea dual configuration of the BiPAP machine, allows patients to get more air in and out of the lungs without the normal muscle activity necessary to do so.

Bi-level positive airway pressure therapy is really helpful for people who have congestive heart failure and different types of lung disorders, particularly patients who have carbon dioxide above normal.

BiPAP therapy is also used to treat central sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by the failure of the brain to send signals to the chest muscles to breathe.

New BiPAP machines are now on the market that have Bi-flex, a very useful feature that provides pressure relief to smooth the transition between the end of IPAP and the beginning of EPAP.

Complications with BiPAP therapy

Complications resulting from the use of bilevel positive airway pressure are some discomfort with the mask, some patients develop sores and numbness around the mask area.

Cases of patients with swelling due to swallowing air have also been documented.

As always, it’s better Consult your doctor to determine the type of Pap smear therapy that is right for you.

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