Why does size matter so much and why are men so interested in enlarging their penis?

Why do people give so much importance to the size of the penis? For people who don’t put much emphasis on penis size, it’s hard to understand the huge obsession with the penis. For many men, the size of their penis seems to be the most important issue in the world. And no matter what others say about their size, they are still not happy and want a bigger penis. This is especially the case for young people, who believe that size is everything. But how important is size really in the real world and what place does penis enlargement have in the picture?

People who say size matters are wrong most of the time, and people who say size doesn’t matter are wrong sometimes. Sometimes penis size matters and sometimes it doesn’t. Each person is unique with their own personal experiences and tastes. Some women do not put any emphasis on the size of the penis, while others are “size queens” and for them, the size of the penis is very important. Women who think it is important to have a large penis are in the minority.

If you really want to know if size matters to women, you should pay attention to surveys and find out what the average size is. A penis size survey of 556 women, ages 19 to 49, asked participants if penis length and girth really mattered. And the results were that 18% said penis length was really very important, 57% said penis length was somewhat important, 25% said penis length was not important, and 22% said it was. the circumference of the penis was very important.

One of the main problems with this specific survey was that it did not specify an optimal size. What is great for some may not be for others. If you ask women to guess their penis size, you will get very inconsistent results. Let’s say your penis is 6 inches long and 5 inches in girth. Some women may think their penis is 5×4 inches while others think their penis is 7×6 inches.

But an even more important question is, does size matter to men? Men are concerned about the size of their penis and are much more concerned than women about their sexual abilities and size. Another interesting survey found that 85% of women are happy with the size of their partner’s penis, while only 55% of men were satisfied with the size of their penis. Men very often underestimate the size of their masculinity and think that it is below average, when in fact it is average or even very large. Men tend to compare their penises in a way that is likely to end up with a more negative evaluation. The length of a flaccid penis cannot be compared to the length of an erect penis.

These surveys tell people that men tend to put much more emphasis on the penis, which is really necessary. Penis size doesn’t really matter as much as men think. Every man wants to stand out from the rest and be in a relationship with a really sexy woman. Men are competitive and naturally compare themselves to each other. And since penis size is important to most men, it is often compared as well. And since there always seem to be men who have a bigger penis than yours, obviously you’d like to enlarge your penis.

If a woman sees another woman in a very nice dress, she wants to have such a dress, because she also wants to look attractive. Therefore, her wanting to have a bigger penis is normal and she should not seek psychiatric help if she wants a bigger penis. If she feels that she could be a better lover and a more confident person with a bigger penis, then she shouldn’t be afraid to make it bigger. Who cares what other people really think.

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